
“About a year ago, I had the pleasure of listening to Vina explain about the shadow self. I was completely engrossed in the topic and became very aware of my shadow. I was not afraid of my shadow side, instead, I admit it intrigued me to learn more! So, when Vina invited me to her shadow dance course of course I attended. Initially, I wasn’t sure what to expect…

But once the music began, my body just started to move. As the songs changed each one seemed to bring me into a new place, inside myself and I felt free. Free to move and express myself through dance and the connection I was beginning to develop with the others in course. It was so amazing to let go and just be. I felt happy and safe. Freedom, over my fears, is how I was, I was free! And I loved it! Thanks Vina for providing the space of love for me and everyone to express our shadow sides in your inspirational course.”

~ Jennifer

“I was invited to participate in a shadow dancing workshop with Vina and discovered the layers of unconscious imagery and symbolism run deep like the substrata of the earth. As we approached various themes and rhythms and my body adapted to non-judgmental and non-contrived movement, I learnt to feel more comfortable and loose in my skin. I discovered my shadow aspects as being part of my ‘dance’ and multi-dimensional reality. I embraced the opportunity to integrate parts with the same cause at heart.”

~ Talisman


“Vina’s dancing fills the room with exuberance and light as she opens the way for us to melt into our bodies to relax and release even the deepest, most hidden pain and fear. I felt overflowing afterwards. Highly recommended.”

 ~ Samantha

“Shadow Dance combines the fun and self-expression of free-form dance with the opportunity to let go of story gunk constraints. Rock on!”

~ Matthew


“Vina created a safe space where I felt free to express myself and embrace my shadow.”

~ Ori